Stoic Cosmic Consciousness

Stoic Cosmic Consciousness is an eleven (11) week course designed for students to gain a deeper understanding of the Stoic belief in a conscious, providential and rational cosmos which can enrich their daily Stoic practice.

Your Mentor

Your mentor will help you achieve the goal of becoming knowledgeable about Stoicism as it relates to cosmic consciousness, panpsychism, and pantheism, both in theory and practice. They will do this by guiding, correcting, encouraging, and affirming your progress. Specific goals that you may have will also be carefully considered. You will have Zoom meetings with your mentor at the beginning and end of your studies and have opportunities to communicate through Moodle or email at any time.


Assignments include self-paced quizzes, short reflective writings, and similar activities, which are generally due at the end of each two week unit. Thought and contemplation are part of the learning process. Your mentor can work with you if deadlines are difficult to meet, but generally students are expected to stick closely to the schedule

Required Texts

* Amazon and Apple links are suggestions only and do not benefit the College:

  1. Why? The Purpose of the Universe by Philip Goff
  2. Elements of Pantheism: A Spirituality of Nature and the Universe by Paul Harrison

Links will be provided to other resources from within the course.

How to Apply

If you are new to the College, you need to complete the “Why Stoic Cosmic Consciousness?” essay as part of the application process.  In this essay, you should explain what brought you to the course and your prior philosophical preparation. This essay should be at least 500 words and must be included with your payment of the US $120 tuition fee.

Your essay will become a part of your College record and will assist your Mentor in getting to know you better. For these, and all other reasons, you are encouraged to do your best, edit, proof read and spell check.

We suggest that you write your essay first using your own word processing program. When the essay is ready, complete the form below and copy-and-paste your essay into the appropriate space on the form.

The College accepts students without regard to gender, race, religion, or nationality, provided the student is at least 18 years of age, and has met our other admission criteria.

Application for Stoic Cosmic Consciousness: