Håvar Solheim is based in the Netherlands. He works as an assistant professor at Leiden University, where he lectures in history, state-civil society relations and security matters of the Latin American region. Håvar defended his PhD dissertation in 2016, which was an analysis of local security management in Bogotá, Colombia. His current research is focused on the cross-Atlantic security cooperation between the EU, the Latin American region and the Caribbean against transnational organised crime.
Discovering Stoicism has transformed his life. In 2022 he completed the SES course, before he started with the Marcus Aurelius Programme. Among the great literary treasures of traditional Stoicism, it’s difficult to find clear favourites, but Epictetus’s Enchiridion and the lectures of Musonius Rufus have been of great inspiration.
Håvar was born and raised in Norway. A strong love for nature and wildlife comes from having spent most of his childhood fishing and hiking in the forests and mountains of Western Norway. Leisure time is devoted to his family, hiking, philosophy and caring for his honeybees.